Which Water Delivery Service Should You Choose?

Whether you’re a busy family that needs to keep water in the fridge at all times or an office worker who doesn’t want to waste money by stocking the break room with bottled water, having your water delivered is a smart and convenient option. But which home or office...

How a Cold Water Dispenser Works

Whether you’re an office worker or an at-home parent, staying hydrated is a necessity for your health. It keeps your muscles and body working smoothly, flushes out toxins and waste, and supports healthy weight loss. Drinking water in addition to the food you eat also...

Water Coolers and Water Dispensers

A water cooler—or water dispenser, if you prefer—is an easy way to get cold and hot water in the office, at home or even in your car. It’s also the spot where people go to talk about work or gossip, as is seen in the expression “talking shop at the water...

Choosing the Right Water Filter

The water we use every day is an essential part of our lives. Drinking water, cooking, washing and cleaning can all be made safer and cleaner with a quality water filter. Choosing the right filter can be daunting. Filters vary in terms of cost, capacity, quality and...